Thursday, October 14, 2010

Part 2 NYC Adventure..

Part 2 NYC Adventure..

So anyway at the end of the day, the workshop was over I was waiting outside the conference center for Victor to come meet me for dinner. It was about 6:30 pm and he was running a bit late, I looked down and there was a bag left on the sidewalk in front of the Duane Reed store next door. A large group had been standing there and just walked off and was ½ way up the next block. Well being it’s post 9-11 and I am a country gal in NYC my first thought was BOMB, my second thought was Oh don’t be silly! But just for good measure, and because it never hurts I just said a quick little prayer “please if this is a bomb don’t let it go off” over and over and over again. Shortly thereafter Vic arrived and we headed off to dinner.

We got a nice outdoor table and talked business, things I learned at the conference and people watched. While sitting there I saw someone walk by who looked familiar, I thought about shouting out but my shyness got the better of me and after all the odds of it actually being someone I knew weren’t that great. Oddly enough though he came back again about 10 mi later and I said Hi! And the biggest smile came over him, turns out it was a friend I had met a few years ago at one of my social networking events. I introduced Vic, we all talked a bit and it was quite nice. That’s one of the great things about us, we always seem to meet people who seem to be a bit lonely and are in need of a bit of human connection…actually later in the evening we also made a connection with a young gal who sat down and started talking a mile a minute to Vic, she had just moved to the city from Michigan to be with her boyfriend who was currently MIA as he had gone off to look for a cab. So we sat with her, Vic told her all about our stones and she even ended up buying a set! (And to think I was annoyed earlier when he insisted I stick a couple sets in my small and already crammed purse! LOL) Her boyfriend finally returned, thanking us for watching over her and we said our goodbyes, asking her to please come to our site later and visit us and tell us her experience with the SpiritStones. It never ceases to amaze me how we always run into people…

After that we went back to the car and just did some driving around and sightseeing before heading back to Jersey…we tried to drive past Times Square and was disappointed to see it blocked off by police but shrugged it off and headed home. After dropping him off where he left his car to catch the bus I headed home, 15 min later, and still driving home, I was surprised to get a call from him, and after digging my Bluetooth from the bottom of my purse to take the call he tells me that the reason Times Square was blocked off was due to a bomb scare! Wow was all that came to mind…the next day my friends were posting all the story links on facebook and I read them. Turns out that at 6:30pm the day before (remember my standing in front of the conference center at that time) a BOMB did start to go off, but it fizzled out for some reason and no one was hurt! I got chills I swear! How powerful is that I was praying “please don’t let the BOMB go off” at the exact same moment one started to go off many blocks away! So pay attention everyone don’t ignore that little voice inside, never pass up a chance to say a quick little prayer…I have absolutely NO idea if my silly little moment of fear and the prayer I said had a shred of difference but I for one believe in synchronicity and the power of prayer, who know what angels could have whispered in my ear, or anyone else’s in NYC that day all I have to say is……LISTEN…….LISTEN to that inner voice inside of you!

With Love and in the Light, Cassie

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