Happy End of mercury retro-grade! Things should really start happening now!
Friday night I went to the Clairvoyance workshop that Wendy did for me as a request and got tossed together at the last minute before she headed back to Washington. It was a lovely experience. I did keep visualizing myself as a helium balloon during the grounding exercises though, guess we still know what area I need the most work in (I never did want to be here) hahaha. I was also very very excited that my friend Maria who I see so little of these days was able to come. In the spring she had given me a little statue, the single girls prayer...she explained that it had been given to her from a gal pal who got it from someone else and basically I was to take the statue home, say the prayer every night and then it would bring me my love, my man ---(I recall now that right after I got this is when I and my MM started talking again) She also instructed me that when I got my man that I was to pass it to another single girl friend. Well since Monday when I made up my mind I wanted to spend my life with my MM I was wondering if I should pass it on or not, I didn't have a ring, I was not nor would I be living with him anytime soon, nothing was set in stone. Well she showed up and brought me a gift for my birthday---it was a statue 3 times bigger than that one, it was a male angel carrying a woman in his arms and they were floating up towards heaven! I started to cry! This is my answer, recalling the words to the song Halo that I had posted Monday--he IS my angel come to save me from the pain of my life, and all he needs to do to save me is love me no matter what and he does and he will I know. I knew then that I could pass on the single girls prayer and let it work its magic for the next gal...
Saturday I went to Music Fest, that’s the tradition for me for my Birthday, something we do anyway, I don't need a special party just for me and besides its kind of fun walking about with the paper tiara and having everyone wish me Happy Birthday! My spirit just soaks in all that great energy and its buoys me up from when I have to face any bad times. My friend whom I had the religious fall out with handed me a gift that I could tell was a book, opening it I thought oh I bet it’s on Catholicism trying to get back on the straight and narrow and was surprised to see it was a book on Shamanism, he said from his personal library and integrated Shamanism with Catholicism. How kewl is that? Then several friends gave me birthday cards with gift cards in them, I generally end up giving them to other friends for gifts! LOL I love that they think of me but money's tight and I can't afford to keep buying for all the people I love. Vic came and gave me a book, a charm and a mix CD of some of our favorite songs. I had hoped he was giving me a CD of the concert we went to and the party he threw for me, and being the brat that I am I asked why not. He said he kept crashing his computer so I gave him my flash drive to upload stuff. We ended the night with the whole gang watching fireworks together, I guess my friends can be my fireworks too not just my mystery man. Oh and I passed the single girls prayer statue on to someone......
Sunday I spent reading all my texts, birthday cards, face book postings etc. Dang do I have a lot of friends! I must be doing something right to be loved this much.......I really do have everything I need except a boyfriend and mate, sometimes I wonder if I would be better off being the type of woman who works for what she wants instead of for everyone else but then I would miss the rewards of the way it lights up my heart when I see how people look when I give to them in love, no I think I end up with a lot more this way and someday I am going to be with a man who wants to do this work with me, an angel who will help me save many as I was called to do......as I was telling the medium who came to see my house the painting I saw at the Louvre, the coronation of the Virgin by Velasquez and God told me do all I ask of you and your crown in heaven will have many jewels (people whom I was able to save) No I am going to be a queen and I need a king, someone who wants to help many not just a few.
But anyway the people who are doing the pilot show for Home Garden TV on "My House Won't Sell Because its Haunted" came and were very impressed indeed with all the findings and we have set up a date of 10-2 for them to come and do the investigation along with the recordings for voice and photo. I showed them the stuff from David Roundtree and their eyes popped open, never they said had they saw such a form! I told them it was Anna, that my friend Mary had contacted her and that she really worked hard to lower her vibration enough to show her presence. (see pic in blog on 9/1 ) They told me that they will research the house, and also any names of people there whom they can look up. And best of all I can sit in on the circle and watch all the investigations! I have been told by many that I am meant to work on sending lost souls home; I know I have the power but I can't see them so have no idea how to do this without that power. Before they left I offered them to choose from the tub of SpiritStones that I have here, they both took in a breath when I presented it to them as they could feel the power in them. The lead lady said that one was calling to her, she too is a Reiki master, so I guess I am not the only ones who can hear the stones talk to them! Their first show is to air sometime the end of October and if the pilot is a success then they will do more shows and one of my house! I will let you all know when that is to be. In the meantime you can check out their website: gs-paranormal.com/
Later on I headed down to meet my mystery man for my Birthday dinner. I did not feel well and he had to work till 7pm that night too, some friends and family event they don't usually have, and he said he couldn’t stay long either, but I wanted to see him so badly on my Birthday that I went, even an hour of his time was worth the drive to me, as I said a thousand friends are not enough if you aren't with the one you love. He greeted me with a HUGE hug and Happy Birthday wish, I greeted him with the glasses I got him at the dollar store. He was like a kid all excited with his inexpensive little gifts and ran to get a map to see if he could read it! He kept them on at dinner too and kept looking closely at me, I said oh geezee now you can check and see if I have wrinkles! None yet he said, my mind was on the fact that at 50 that was not likely to be the case much longer! We ordered our food and as usual the same, the waitress even commented on it saying wow great minds think alike! We just smiled....
While we sat he talked of how hard it now is to work 7 days a week, and I told him it was time to upgrade his request, that he asked to not work that UPS 3am shift but he forgot to ask for the Sears job to get altered too. He said he was afraid to mess with things again as he can see it does work I said yeah just add "and whatever I forgot". He then talked of getting a franchise and ways to make more money and I told him of the idea of going to people’s homes and sending the spirits onward, how some stores pay my friends $500 and up for this. He said he didn’t see how and I explained that we would have to do it as a team, I have the contacts and the ability but he's the one who can see them and communicate, each of us needed the other to do this job. He then said something about feeling like half a circle and the other half missing. It was a nice time but he kept checking his phone nervously and I told him he should go if he's afraid. No no lets go sit in the bar and have a drink...
But soon after we ordered the texting started. I told him again go home and he didn’t want to. Then he said she says she's packing, oh boy I said, good he says. Then he told me that he felt like he'd like to tell her that we are engaged -- I then told him of my day dream of us sneaking off and getting married....... Then we switched gears and talked about the apartment I will get and the house by the bay I will buy once Todd can buy mine. I told him rent to them and move in with me, she can't afford it he said. Well then let’s hope someone else wants her and she moves in with them...no one else will take her he said sadly. Well I am not going to tell you what to do I said, I want a boyfriend of my own not borrow someone else’s on my Birthday like some looser. I have decided I want to spend my life with you, that you are my twin flame, but you have chosen her and if you can’t get out of it then we will just have to meet again in the next lifetime. That’s it I am calling her he said and called her with me sitting there, but the music was loud so I told him to go in the other room. My plan was to make a quick escape but I went to the ladies room first, he was paying the bill when I came out and walked me out and hugged me, she says she’s calling a moving truck I hope she does he says. I didn’t come here to cause pain for anyone I said and started crying as he held me, I know I know it’s a special day I am glad I got to be with you, you and me are friends. I cried harder, don’t be sad he said. I just got in my car and said don't worry I have plenty of friends and sped off.......
I called Mary and told her if I told this story to anyone else they'd send me to a shrink! Yes yes I know she says. He didn’t even get me a card I said, probably afraid of the girlfriend she said, he got his ex one when I was living with him! Yes but you are a reasonable and understanding person she said, and he had to rush home because that one threatens to trash his stuff and his house, why I say? Because she fears losing her money ticket, she is keeping him with fear and threats. Oh well I say I deserve more than this I tell her...... I got all the way to the stop light where his turn is, going fast the whole time so he wouldn’t catch up..but then he did catch up and motioned for me to roll down my window-------Happy Birthday he said I will call you tomorrow......the light changed and people started blowing the horn at us........this morning I found yet another Happy Birthday text from him. I just replied yeah really happy right? I need a boyfriend not a friend and I am going to keep praying for one (even though I have deleted all my personal ads)........God only knows who it’s going to be, actually God only knows who he wants it to be, the choices are all ours, I want him, he wants me but he is afraid to choose me now it seems.......me I got work to do and I need to call all the angels in to help me on this one........yesterdays card was Intention, this morning’s was Answered Prayer....
Today say a prayer and believe in the angles to come to your aid. And then while you are waiting see who you can be an angel to, see clearly who is a worthy soul too. You can tell yourself you are doing good works by helping one or two here or there but I tell you do not cast your pearls before swine, they will just gobble it up and grunt for more. Instead reach out and help another angel, one who will raise up and pass on the good that you gave them, multiplying it and sharing it with others.........that is Love and that's what we are called to now........I am calling all angels......
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Calling all Angels
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