6-21-10 A New Jerusalem
Happy Monday and Summer Solstice!! Today we celebrate the strongest Solstice in eons, releasing a gateway of energy of Unconditional Love & Hope with amazing strength. You can tap in to this Gateway through meditation, especially in nature and I suggest you take time to meditate and tap into this wonderful energy! Just try and feel the energy and the powers that come with it coursing through your whole body. I know I can! I am so excited about all the changes that I am making in myself and my world! Be sure to work with this energy!
I had a lovely 3-day weekend, on my way out of work on Thursday I thanked God for helping me with my father issues and I identified another thing that I wanted help with, something that had been the cause of much friction with my friend, something I knew I had to get over or there would never be peace between us, and I knew I wanted peace badly enough to do some serious work. So I asked him to help me and put it out of my mind as I waited for guidance.
That evening I ended up cancelling a trip into NY for a comedy show on Friday and went out and met some people I knew to listen to a band instead. That was pleasant and I ended up talking to the band who wanted some help in promoting their gigs and also taking a special order for SpiritStones from a friend. I wrote to Victor to get his input on pricing. On Saturday I headed to Coney Island with some friends to see The Mermaid Parade, which was awesome! I ran over to have my picture taken with one of the neatest dressed couples, and yelled over to my friend taking the picture “Hey look he has a squid in his pants!” and his reply to me was “No I am just happy to see you” hahaha 8 tentacles hummmm But moving on…..while there I was inspired to do something next weekend that goes along with one of the things on my list, I won’t share it now let’s see if I actually can do it. Rhonda Britten speaks of Stretch Risk or Die on day 6 of her Change Your Life in 30 Days course, you can get it or just that days audio course (see link below ) and trust me this is definitely a DIE, so like I said I won’t reveal it till we see if I actually do it. If I don’t make it this weekend I still have the rest of the summer, but I do know it’s best to eat the frog early! LOL (that means do the hardest thing as early as you can and get it out of the way)
Anyway, while on the train I talked to one of my friends and we were discussing the various people we mutually knew and their strengths and their weaknesses and all the various facets of the personalities of the people we knew. I ended up telling him something very interesting. I said I have met many people being a social network owner and organizer and I have learned that the best way to get along is to just accept people exactly as they are, to know what they can and cannot do, what they can give to you and what they can’t or won’t, and don’t ask anything of anyone but rather accept what they give and know that no one person is going to be everything to you. Well low and behold this turned out to be the ultimate answer to my request of God on Thursday! (I will explain)
On Sunday I went to Mass and then headed off to New Hope to buy a new drum because I am doing my first full moon fire ceremony this Friday (unless you count the one Victor and I did in the fall when we first started to become good friends). I ended up calling my spiritual adviser to come meet me for dinner. I know I was supposed to spend the day alone and I was quite looking forward to the plans I made for myself but this meeting turned out to be very important as I discussed many things with her that have been going on energetically and the changes I have made and I came to a very important ah ha moment. I talked about wants and needs and gratitude in my relationships with God, myself and the people in my life. I told her I think I got it, it’s like when you give your kids so many things and then being kids they ask for more and it makes you feel like they didn’t appreciate what you already gave them. I talked about the conflict with my friend and how I see that my problem was that despite how grateful for him I was and how happy our time together made me I always wanted more , I get jealous when he gives to others what I want , and I sat there and said to her “I think what I need to do is to just accept what I am given and not feel that I NEED anything more” She said wow had I hit on a truth and she was getting chills. She also told me more about what was going on with her guides and what she was being led to do with the SpiritStones that I had given her. It was pretty neat really, she said they told her to put them in a circle, and once made they instructed her to spread them out and make the circle bigger, then bigger. The then told her to imagine her life in that way, to open up and extend her energy further and further. It's so neat that my stones that I charge with energy can speak to another so significantly! I am so excited about them.
I left her and began driving home and left a voice mail for my friend who called me back later. We had a lovely talk, straightened out our issues and made plans for a project we will be working on together. The point is, once my attitude changed the blockages were removed and things began to flow again. I encourage you all to do this in your life. What blockages have you created because of your bad attitude related to residual past pain? What boundaries have you put up to keep people at a “safe” distance? Open them up and let flow that energy of Unconditional Love & Hope!! It’s there for you and can assist you in fixing everything that concerns you if you just allow it. Let the rivers flow!!
With Love and Light, Cassie
Change Your Life in 30 Days Audio Course (u can buy the whole thing or just part)
It's asking for the taking.
Trembling, shaking.
Oh, my heart is aching.
We're coming to the edge,
running on the water,
coming through the fog,
your sons and daughters.
Let the river run,
let all the dreamers
wake the nation.
Come, the New Jerusalem.
Let the River Run - Carly Simon

Here's the kewl Tattoo I got on Saturday (its only henna, I am not into pain or long term commitment so I don't get a real one) lol
It's butterfly wings of hearts with a yin yang symbol in the middle
the wings represent hope and love, the yin yang balance and male and female
Part of the loving my body series
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