Hello my SpiritStone family! I hope you all had a good week. Mine was pleasant, I put together a custom order of SpiritStones for my friend Kim which actually came out very nice.
Anyway, I am very excited about tomorrow night! It’s the full moon and I am having some people over to do a full moon fire ceremony! I started studying Shamanism a few years ago with a wonderful Shaman called Jodee (see link below) and I have had several healing sessions with her and took a few workshops, journey circles and attended many a full moon fire ceremony. I am part Native American (my great great great grandmother was an Indian Princess see pic) so this faith touches me on many levels. I have called together my spiritually connected friends to help me to release my house and welcome in the new home that I will end up at. This has been a long process for me as I have been here for 20 years and thought I would die here, the place was built in 1775 on 5 acres of land that borders the South Branch of the Raritan River. Over the years I have had many a visitor come tell me they used to live here and can they please look around. I do so and walk with them and have learned a new story every time! It was part of the Underground Railroad, there used to be a grist mill here, it was a hotel, it was a doctor’s residence and hospital and much more! I also have had visitors and residents of a spiritual type as well but those stories would take days to tell! Maybe someday….
But I digress, the point is that it’s time to get moving, I am at the end of my financial rope and well God really needs to come through for me on this one NOW. I have been in tighter spots before and he’s come through in the nick of time so I have faith that it will all work out. Sometimes I think he really likes to see how far my faith will carry me, sort of like a fitness coach that pushes you to go that extra mile, or do those few extra push-ups to show you that you can do it! (Hey my body may not be in the best of shape but I believe my soul is!) LOL My friend Cecilia asked me last week if I was worried and I said a bit but I just give it to god, I know he will bring a buyer in time and if he doesn’t then that’s part of his plan. As Vic always says to me “Cassie everything is as it should be”, I roll my eyes at him sometimes but deep inside I know he’s right even if things aren’t going the way I want them to at the moment.
So over the weekend and into next week I am going to spend more quiet time alone and a lot less time online. I want to take this time of great energy (if you don’t know what I mean be sure to read up on the Moon Cycle Blog) to wrap up my affairs here, to clear house both mentally and literally and make room for the new that is to come. I am so excited! I suggest that you also do the same. Is there any “clutter” in your life? I mean literally in your home as well as in your mind. My oldest boy is quite the messy one, well so is my second boy but he does get on a roll now and again and loves to organize (he’s a Virgo too like his mom). Dustin however is a real bible believing military man but shockingly messy pack-rat and still has clothes from when he was in 6th grade! His landlord even got on him last week and he grudgingly decided it was time to get rid of some stuff and posted on face book about it. I commented “good for you! After all do you think heaven is cluttered?” Pretty sure that one got him moving.
What’s it going to take to get YOU moving?.......
With Love and in Light, Cassie
The Full Moon Fire Ceremony is an ancient one passed down from Incan times to the people living in the Andes. It is a time for healing, reflection, and gratitude; a time to be able to come to the Fire with your innermost prayers. Since the Full Moon is such a powerful time in between waxing and waning, it is a time where you can let go of what no longer serves you and you can pray for what you feel would make you more whole and would like to bring into your life. We pray, release and bring in while knowing that this is what we want. We understand and are open to the reality that it is in the Creator's timing that things happen – not on ours. Yet, we must meet half way – this is where free will enters and why we chose to stand by the Sacred Fire and pray. You bring an offering to the Fire that is made from nature that is burnable: a stick, flower, pine cone, etc. Spend some time with the item, and with your intention put into the offering whatever you want to release, heal, or bring into your life. As we stand by the Fire chanting, drumming, and rattling we are brought closer to the Universal Light Source, or who the Andean people call Wiracocha.
A picture of my lovely home which has served me well for 20 some years....I am hoping the Hunterdon County Historical Society decides to buy it, as it would make a lovely museum (with or without a “Cassie Slept Here” plaque) LOL

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