Friday, October 15, 2010



Wow this weekend has to have topped all others this summer when it comes to cosmic forces and energies at work! If any of you doubt that God / The Universe and we and nature and everything is connected and watched over and guided I wish you could walk a day or so in my shoes and experience this stuff.

I had a pretty rough week as far as relationships and life plans and set backs so I contacted Miyuki for a reading and got some things sorted out regarding my Ex-BF, and asked what I can do to set my course energetically to attract the mate I belonged with. She said there was a group very close to me, like 5 minutes away and I needed to go work with them. At first I didn’t know what she meant but then it dawned on me that my Shaman was a mile from me, was having a full moon ceremony on sat and that is where I started out when I had first met my Ex, and also the place where I put the relationship back on the fire and gave it back to God and welcomed in someone/something new. Whenever you have something in your life that isn’t serving you or working out for you all you have to do is give it back to where it came from, give it back to God and he will perfect that which concerns you, every time. I swear. So I had given him back with the intention to either replace him with something better or to bring him back to me better, and after the ceremony someone walked over to me and said wow whatever you did it worked because the energy that I saw sparkling up like fireworks was amazing! That same night after ceremony that I released him (it was a month or so after the break up) I got a text forward from him, one of those poems that basically said no matter when I go I will always love you, I also got a phone call from the wife of one of his co-workers telling me he was bragging about and showing pictures of his new GF at work. So during the next weeks I hung up on all his calls and ignored all his mails.

So when Miyuki said to go to a group near my home, it suddenly dawned on me I needed to go there! I remembered I had gotten an e-mail about ceremony and deleted it (after posting to as I had an event I was co-hosting. But I changed everything and made plans to go. While I was waiting to go over I got a text from my ex thanking me for the maps, I replied your welcome, he replied how lonely he’d be up in VT next weekend and he still wanted me to go, so I texted that we should meet the next day and he agreed. I headed off to ceremony with much on my mind and hopeful that spirit would sort it out for me. Jodee was so happy to see me, as I had not been attending for nearly a year, I felt I had learned all there was to learn there and was moving in other groups and learning other things. I do want to take a moment to remind you all that ALL faiths lead to the same God, they are just different because of culture, its why it’s such a shame that so many fight so bitterly and divide families and nations over religious differences. There is ONE God, and we are ALL connected to him and to each other and all of creation, once we all remember who we really are the whole world will have nothing but beauty and peace. But back to topic.

Ceremony was amazingly powerful, and we learned also from one of the members there that it was an end to one Mayan calendar and the start of a new one. I know it was also the welcoming of the new moon and this one particularly had a tremendous amount of healing power. When it was my turn to go up and place my offering to the fire (I put fear of love and relationships and welcomed in a partner, and said I would accept my Ex back if that’s was for everyone’s highest good) When it was my turn the Shaman whispered in my ear, as she sometimes does if she gets a message for us, and she said not to worry the house didn’t sell, it’s because it’s not done with me yet, there is still something I must do there but when it happens then I will be moved out and to my new place very quickly. This was the same thing that Beth had said! She also said I needed to heal some little girl hurts at this time, this I knew was the cause of my fear that I was releasing.

On Sunday I went to Beth’s for a Reiki treatment, I brought her a crystal as a gift and she was quite pleased and told me of a story of one that she had been asked to give away to heal a lake and how touching it was that spirit returned one to her in its place. During my treatment I felt movement in my solar plexus, almost like I had one of those creatures inside me like in Alien, but not scary just intense. I also did some emotional healing and waves of sobs came over me but it was so cleansing. We talked and then I headed out towards the shore, bike in car to wait for my ex to get off work. However during the trip down it began raining and I was distressed that it was a sign to not go, I texted him, confirmed rain there but he said come anyway. I turned on the radio for the weather report and a song was playing and the lyrics were about walking in the rain and the snow for love… so I decided to plod on and took my time ate, shopped, etc. It was down to a light drizzle by the time I got to the restaurant where we meet, I sat and started reading a book by Osho I had bought called Intimacy and waited. Finally he came, and as I walked over to the truck to greet him the rain completely stopped and the sun came out! You gotta know God is smiling on you when go through a storm to get to someone and upon meeting the heavens part for you. We ended up getting to go to the beach for awhile after all, the oppressive heat cleared away by the storm and after enjoyed a nice dinner and talk. He asked me why everything was so much better when he was with me, like I was a comfort that carried him through the rough times of the whole week. I looked at him and said “because I love you”. He said I took for granted that love you gave me before but now, because of this that happened I appreciate it. He asked me again to go away with him, how alone he was going to be in that idyllic spot if I wasn’t there and reminded me how lovely the mountains would be this time of year and how we could get on the bike and take it all in, and I said yes I’ll come. So we relaxed and started to think of a plan on how we may be able re-write the ending of our story and find a happy ending for everyone..……I just love unexpected twists don’t you?

The lesson today is a reminder that even through hard times, rain storms, difficult circumstances, if you offer it offer it up to God and are open and listen to spirit, obey the signs, you will be guided to the people and the places where you belong. Can you be brave and try just a little harder, keep going just a little bit longer to get through the storms of your life and into the sunshine that is waiting for you?

With Love and in the Light, Cassie

The Things We do for Love

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