What an adventure I had yesterday! I was lost, I was scared, I was uncomfortable but I made it and I had one of the very best days of my life! It all started off when my friend Dave asked me to hang out with him sat, he wanted to either go down the shore or to NYC....we IMed about it saturday morning and I told him I had to go to meet a guy for a noise canceling blue tooth I was buying from him off Craigslist so after that I could meet him. He wanted to go to NYC, I wanted to go down the shore, Marc decided to join us and made the deciding vote. Come back and go on the train with me he said, no that's too far out of the way.....wait Clint said I can get on the bus there.....oh wait but the bus goes to Port Authority, so hail a cab he says. I didn't know how to do that, never been in a cab ever! It was on my bucket list though but still...
Well anyway I met the guy for the blue tooth and went to wait for the bus, a nice nearly toothless old lady kept smiling sweetly at me, she had a shirt like one I had at home so I got brave enough to ask her if this was the bus to NYC. No no no she said no aqui go there and pointed in the distance, seeing no bus stop I was confused. It was at this point I called Dave and noticed that my phone had only one bar! Doh! I had talked to Vic on my way to the bus stop , one thing he was nagging me on was how technologically connected I am and I need to back off some and live in the real world more. Ok ok I had told him I will pray to back off on that some, you are right...little did I know how fast God was going to answer that one. I should though by now. LOL I took a deep breath and looked around and noticed that I was near a Sear service center, my mystery man works at one, and just thinking of him gave me some comfort for some reason. If he were there he'd look out for me, but he was in spirit I felt and that helped calm me. So I called Clint real fast and he told me where to go wait for the bus, it took 45 minutes! Apparently they come every hour and I had just missed one by 5 min. Why am I doing this I kept asking myself? Here I was heading into NYC, alone, with no map, no bus schedule and one bar left on my phone. I would have a better chance of surviving this if I was dumped in the wilderness with no compass and a nearly empty canteen! At least I had some outdoor skills, having grown up in Ohio and hiked a lot, and frankly I thought I'd have better chances with wild animals than I would with some of the people I encountered on my travels today! Yikes!
But I managed to get on the bus and texted Dave and he said they would meet me at Port Authority. Well I dozed off and on during the ride, I was tired and again why did I let him talk me into this? We finally made it to the city and everyone was getting off, is this Port Authority I asked the person next to me, no it's Grand Central, my inner voice kept nagging me to get off the bus though so I did, besides I had to pee, was starving and I don't know I just felt like I should get off the bus. So I am following the crowd looking for a restroom, pulling out my cell phone to call Dave quickly...someone tapped me on the shoulder and pointed out that I was walking around with my purse hanging on my hip, wide open with my wallet in plain view! Don't say it, don't even say it I know OMG can you imagine adding no money and no credit cards to the no map no bus schedule and 1 bar left on my phone scenario? I honestly don't know why I was not robbed, could have been angels watching over me, could have been there just was no challenge for the beasts of the city to bother stealing from me! ha! I envisioned a large panther lying in the sun watching me go by and thinking a nap would be more sporting that taking down this one, please don't bore me.
Anyway I took care of my needs, rest room, water, sandwich, and headed out to the street as instructed to give them my location. 8th ave and W 40th street I sent, looking up seeing a cab right in front of me, the driver had the door open...too bad I didn't know the address of where they wanted me to go to I could try and take a cab...I got no reply for a bit, then a call from a 973# but not the one for Marc I had put in my phone that morning...so not wanting to waste battery time I ignored the call till I got home.... So I glanced around and saw a statue of Ralph Cramden, and recalled how mystery man likes The Honeymooners, again feeling some comfort I sat down at the statue's feet to wait........they found me eventually and we went to Heartland Brewery for dinner, turns out I was at Port Authority all along, my voice got me off the bus at the right place and had I answered my phone they would have found me BEFORE they went up to Grand Central to look for me! LOL Note to self no long battery wearing out phone conversations when you are going on an adventure! The wild beasts were about to rumble just before they found me too! Yikes!

After an early dinner we were headed over to this bar in the East Village where Marc said a meetup group was doing Karaoke. They said do you want to do subway or cab? I of course choose cab! We got in and joked with the driver, who actually thought it was funny, if he was the cash cab on TV that was a game show. Now that I know how to hail one and what its like I am going to do this more! Another thing off my bucket list! The club was pretty neat, and stuck to the jungle theme of the day, the walls were all black and red and the bar stools and couches all covered in Zebra print! I got up to get what I thought was matches for a souvenir and discovered it was condoms! Wow NYC condoms how awesome is that? I grabbed a few, Jeremy was almost 20 now and I used to bring him gifts from my adventures... We introduced ourselves and I gave a CassiesCalendar card to the organizer and put in our songs after we ordered the one drink minimum. Dave and I sang Sinatra's NewYork NewYork and then I sang with the organizer (from the safety of my seat) Empire State of Mind. They all loved us and the bartender dubbed us the crazy people who actually love NYC! Ha! I handed out some SpiritStones and we headed out.
Once outside we decided to walk through the East Village, we got a kick out of some guy all dressed 80's punk who probably thought they were kewl, been there done that I said as we passed em. LOL Then I said hey we better find out what time is the last bus to Jersey, being as far west as I am they don't go that late. What bus did you come on they asked me? NJ transit I replied and got two blank mouth hanging open stares. What I said? OK so color me chagrined when I learned they all have numbers! I told them I never went to NYC unescorted before, besides the time I drove in my car and Vic was on the phone with me the whole way. But anyway...just about then a UPS truck passed me and reminded me of my mystery man and it dawned on me to text Clint and get the bus and gate numbers from him....
We ended the night sitting having dessert and coffee near Penn station, talking about all things spiritual. Dave shared with me some of his amazing experiences with spirit and I told him its time he start working with me more, and Marc said he can be my publicist as that's his line of work. Very kewl I said! MY little voice said time to go head home so I said time to go boys.... We said goodbye to Dave and then Marc and I walked to Port Authority, me explaining the whole concept to him about Reiki and how it works and the vision I have for the stones. We walked right down 42nd street through where all the theaters are. Wow this is so easy to get to now I can come here by myself too I said I want to see more plays! That's on my bucket list too.....
He went with me to buy my ticket home and pointed me to my gate, I marveled at how I was about to get on the last bus home at gate 222... I was so happy to see my little white Scion sitting in the parking lot of Sears too when we finally got back to Sears! Since my dad worked for Sears all those years, and now my mystery man it has always been a symbol of comfort and trust to me.... Once home I checked my messages, if only I had picked up! Marc was there telling me they were on the same block, if I had picked up they could have walked half a block and got me! But fear of not enough battery time stopped me...Next message was Dave's phone accidentally came on and recorded us at the exact moment he and I were singing NY NY at Karaoke! I have the whole song saved on my phone I kid you not! It was a scary adventure at some points but totally well worth it!
What jungles are you wandering through in your life? Concrete or other wise, trust me there are angles there to walk with you, and challenged people like myself get extra headcount! LOL Follow your Intuition and don't let fear get in your way or it will just make the path harder and longer because of your confusion when the voice of fear overrides the voice of God (Intuition) This is a lesson I myself am working on, but I am asking for help with this and lessons are being given to me as you can see! Don't worry though, my connection to divine is extremely strong, your lessons will probably be much more gentle than mine!
With Love and in the Light, Cassie
Empire State of Mind
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